First, check for signs of physical wear. Signs of damage such as cracks, warping and compressed padding are the first indicators there may be an issue. Check the arch of the orthotic. When the arch is compressed it should retain a sturdy shape. Arches that collapse too easily do not provide the support you need.
Pain is a sign. If the device is causing pain it may be time for a replacement. Check your shoes too! If your shoes are showing odd signs of wear on the tread, it’s a sign the device may not be properly aligned. Another sign is motion in the orthotic that was not there before. If your orthotic wobbles you may fall and cause further damage or injury. Remember never to try to fix your device with tape or glue. Home modifications will not suffice. They could cause new or further damage and hurt your progress in rehabilitation.
While most of these signs are important to look for in both prosthetic and orthotic devices, there are a few extra to look for in your prosthesis.
Overuse syndrome is well documented in amputees. This is where additional and atypical amounts of time and pressure are borne down through the intact limb. Over time, this will cause early degeneration of the lower back, hip, knee and ankle resulting in discomfort and other complications.
General fatigue and reduced mobility may be due to your prosthesis not fitting properly. Socket fitting requires a skilled clinician with a plan tailored to everyone’s needs. If it is possible to increase or decrease the size of the socket, the entire prosthesis will need to be replaced.
If your weight is not within the range of safety of the components or the components themselves are no longer working to the proper specifications, you may need to replace your device. If your activity level is not compatible with the device, changes may need to be made. The best and easiest way to determine if you require a replacement is to contact your prosthetist or orthotist at our office for assistance.

If you encounter any of these problems, please come in and see our practitioners. Whether you need a device replaced, modified or repaired, we at Infinite Technologies are happy to help with all your needs.