Lumbar Orthotics

Lumbar Orthotics (Lower Back)

Infinite Technologies has experience treating a full range of spine injuries and abnormalities including fracture management, post-operative support, cervical management, and pain management. Whether your appointment is in the hospital after an accident or surgery, or in one of our office locations after being referred by your doctor, you can rest assured that our orthotists will determine the most appropriate brace for your spinal needs. Based on the patient’s prescription, doctor’s notes and preferences, and diagnosis, we will fit the patient with the highest level of “off the shelf” or custom spinal orthoses deemed necessary. Many of our off the shelf braces are able to be “customized” through a variety of height, width, and circumferential adjustments to allow for increased fit, comfort, and efficacy. We will take the time to explain how your brace benefits you and how to appropriately and safely put it on and take it off. Before you leave, we will make sure your questions are answered, your brace is functional and comfortable, and you have our contact information for any future questions or concerns. Most importantly, we follow you through your rehabilitation and after hospital care or initial appointment to ensure the spinal brace maintains its optimal fit and is adjusted as you progress through your treatment.

Thoracic Orthotics (Lower-Back Braces / Supports)

Orthotic Brace: Hyperextension Orthosis (Jewett, Cash)

The hyperextension orthosis works off a three-point pressure system, applying pressure to promote extension in the vertebrae while preventing flexion or rotation. This brace should apply pressure just below the sternal notch and above the pubic bone in the front to completely prevent any forward flexion. This brace can be adjusted both in terms of height and width to be fully customizable to the patient. Once the height is set by your orthotist, it is easy to put on by yourself with a single snap closure.

Conditions: Management of anteriorly compressed fractures of the dorsal lumbar spine, immobilization after surgical stabilization of thoracolumbar fractures, mild burst fractures.

Orthotic Brace: Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)

The thoracolumbosacral orthosis provides stability to the thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spine to prevent extension, flexion, and rotation. Prefabricated versions of this brace can come with a sternal shield while others have a backpack style design. The sternal shield is height adjustable and should be set to a position just below the sternum. The brace provides support to the trunk and upper thoracic regions and pressure to the abdomen to reduce load on intravertebral disks. The sternal shield can be removed from the brace to provide only lumbar support. This brace comes in over the shoulder straps and under the shoulder straps, which is selected for you depending on the location and severity of your injury. The brace can be tightened with tension straps and comes in two pieces that are attached via Velcro straps.

Conditions: Scoliosis, spinal fractures, back pain and spinal fusion, post op healing, kyphosis

Orthotic Brace: Lumbosacral Orthosis (LSO)

The corset is a flexible cotton canvas wrap around brace that can be tightened with tension straps to provide significant compression and stability. The brace is used to unload spinal structures by adding intra-abdominal pressure. The brace should be worn as tight as can be tolerated to maximize support and should lie just above the hip bones, coccyx, and pubic symphysis. Your orthotist will adjust the brace to the proper tightness and explain how to put it on yourself. It should be worn as tight as you can comfortably wear it to provide maximum stability and support.

Conditions: Degenerative disc disease, postural fatigue, acute flexion injuries, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis

Orthotic Brace: Lumbosacral Corset

The lumbosacral corset provides compression and stability without rigidity. It can be overpowered, so is generally not used for conditions in which movement must be fully restricted. It can be tightened through tension straps with Velcro in a similar manner to the LSO, but is usually softer and made of canvas or similar material. Unlike the lumbosacral orthosis above, it does not fully restrict flexion, and likewise does not fully restrict extension or rotation. This brace is intended to be used for more mild indications such as lower back pain, strains, or disc issues.

Conditions: degenerative disc disease, postural fatigue, acute flexion injuries, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, other diseases indicating decreased loading of the vertebrae and discs

Demonstration Videos

Cash TLSO Brace applied on a patient lying down
Cash TLSO Brace applied on a patient in a sitting position
Jewett TLSO applied to patient lying down
Jewett TLSO applied to patient in sitting position


What Makes Infinite Technologies Different

Comprehensive Approach to Care
Empowerment Through Education
Goal Setting
Lifelong Partnerships

Your Personal

Health Champions

Infinite Technologies Orthotics and Prosthetics is the premier orthotic and prosthetic facility in the Mid-Atlantic region providing inpatient and outpatient services, consults, and evaluations for adult and pediatric patients. Through our unique approach to comprehensive care, education and goal setting, we forge lifelong partnerships with our patients in their efforts to heal, while introducing them to the most innovative technologies for their individualized treatment.

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