Sarmiento Braces

Sarmiento Braces for Humeral Fractures

Sarmiento Braces for Humeral Fractures

The humeral Sarmiento braces are composed of two main parts: polyethylene cuffs lined with closed-cell foam and plastic cuffs. Velcro straps loop through the cuffs to apply uniform compression on the soft tissue of the upper arm. An additional piece, the proximal shoulder cap, helps to provide more support to the humeral fractures as well as prevent distal migration of the brace. The soft tissue compression works to shift and hold the fracture in alignment. The overall structure of the brace allows for complete range of motion of the shoulder and elbow, while still maintaining the proper alignment of the humerus. The cuff mechanism for fracture maintenance is preferred over a hard cast due to the ease of access to the upper arm to check for redness or skin breakdown. Some indications for its use are humeral diaphyseal fractures and deep humeral bone bruises.

Sarmiento Braces for Tibial Fractures

The tibial Sarmiento braces are composed of polyethylene cuffs lined with closed-cell foam and Velcro straps. The straps wrap around the cuffs and are tightened to apply uniform compression of the soft tissue of the leg. An additional piece, the footplate, helps to provide more medial/lateral support and prevent distal migration of the brace. The soft tissue compression works to shift and hold the fracture in alignment. The overall structure of the brace allows for complete range of motion of the foot, ankle and the knee while still maintaining the proper alignment of the tibia and fibula. The cuff mechanism for fracture maintenance is preferred over a hard cast due to the ease of access to the lower leg to check for redness or skin breakdown. Some indications for its use are tibial and fibular diaphyseal fractures.


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